This package contains three files (beside this one).
"FlashXCMD.c" - essentially identical the XCMD example "Flash" for MPW C described in "HyperCard Script Language Guide" p. 489.
"FlashXCMD.make" - the makefile for this compile. This can be used as a generic makefile for XCMDs and XFCNs and should be easily adaptible to your needs.
"TestStack" is a tiny HyperCard demo stack containing a single button which executes the XCMD.
In makefiles, structures of the form:
SomeWord = xxxx yyyy
create a script variable much like #define in C. The variable can thereafter be referred to by enclosing in brackets, {SomeWord}. Most of the parameters for Link and C tools have been put in this form.
The "Name" should be the identical procedure name you will use in your HyperCard script; it must not contain any spaces. It is also the name of the various files.
The makefile will compile the XCMD and then insert it directly into your target HyperCard stack, named in {Stack}. The stack should be in the same (current) folder. Any prior XCMD/XFCN resource of the same ID number will be replaced. This is very convenient and eliminates having to use ResEdit or some other program to transfer the resource.
If, however, {Stack} does not exist, then the compiler will create a new file of that name and put your resource into it. The Type and Creator of the file will be 'STAK' and 'WILD', respectively, so in the Finder it will look like a HyperCard stack, but brother it ain't; it's just an isolated resource in an otherwise empty file.
If you really want to compile your XCMD or XFCN to an isolated resource file, then change the Type and Creator in the Linker options, {LOptions}, to
-t rsrc
The resulting file will be a ResEdit document with the "Jack-in-the-Box" icon.